PTO Membership is automatically granted to every family that has a child enrolled at WES. If you’d like to be added to our BAND group where reminders are communicated and discussions take place, please select Join PTO below.
Volunteer Opportunities
Room Volunteers
As a Room Volunteer, you will solicit donations (paper goods, snacks, decorations, etc.) from parents for classroom parties and events, organize volunteers for classroom events, and other tasks as decided by the teacher. Room Volunteers act as liaisons for their school’s PTO, attending PTO meetings and helping generate support or interest in parent group efforts.
Book Fair
Volunteers are responsible for the book fair(s) held throughout the year, including logistics, coordinating volunteers for setup, staffing, take down, flyers, reminders and working with teachers.
Spring Carnival
The Spring Carnival Committee is responsible for marketing the event, determining the logistics of registration, selecting booths and games, stocking and staffing the concession stand, working with Room Parents to gather classroom baskets, fundraising, choosing a theme, decorating and prize selection and setup/cleanup after the event.